Charting the night sky
Find out how Deb came to be the director of an astro tours company on Great Barrier Island.
Elisabeth Easther chatted to Deborah Kilgallon, co-founder of astro tours, Good Heavens on Great Barrier Island for an article in the New Zealand Herald.
Had you always intended to be an astronomer?
I’d always found the universe fascinating, growing up on a lifestyle block in Kerikeri. I climbed trees, rode horses and befriended our milking goats. But it never occurred as a career choice. I did well at school and even though I was Dux of Kerikeri High, and felt pressure to go to university, I chose to travel first.
How did you pull that off?
I had a bunch of odd jobs at school. I worked in a cafe and taught aerobics. I also taught kids the keyboard. Then I jumped on a plane. After a couple of years overseas, I travelled around New Zealand for six months, which reminded me of how amazing this country is. Then I spent another 13 years abroad.
How Deb got on overseas and how she eventually ended on Great Barrier Island you can read here.
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